For this example the two main colors are blue and yellow with the inside of the engine being grey.

If you find drawing a plane an enjoyable experience with our instructions, feel free to share it with your friends.To finish the drawing you can add some color. Your plane should be flying in the sky, so a blue background with white clouds can help make the drawing look lovely. Finally, add some cute clouds to put the plane in the sky.To add depth, apply white highlights and shadows to the plane’s wings, tails, and body.It should be noted that most planes are not typically colorful. Use flat colors of your choosing to color your plane.To complete drawing, erase all the guidelines.Then, add some design points for the plane, focusing on the wings and its tail.Afterward, as we look at the plane from the side, let’s erase all the parts that you cannot see. For the engines under the plane wings, make sure to add the engine bodies. Add the series of windows and the door on your plane.You are now at the step to make your plane come alive with details: Step 3: Complete all the details of a plane Next, draw the fin at the end of the plane, like that of a shark (image 6).Then, since you are looking at the plane from one side, there are parts of the tail and the wing cutting through the plane’s body, let’s add those lines (image 5).Also, add two round engines under each wing. Draw a small boomerang paralleled with the large wings to make the plane’s tail.Now that you have the basic frame for the airplane, let’s add more lines to form its parts: Step 2: Add the engine, fin, and wing lines Using the rectangle frame and the guidelines as the reference, draw the plane’s body and wings (black lines).The distance between the plane’s wings to its head should be about half the distance to its tail. Next, draw guidelines for the wings, making it look like a boomerang.You should now determine the plane’s tail and head, then connect those two points (image 1) Draw a rectangle showing the length and width of the plane body looking from the side.It’s important that you create a frame of the airplane before getting into its shape and details so the drawing does not look sloppy. How to Draw an Airplane – Step by Step Step 1: Create the shape of the airplane